Why Deferred Maintenance Is A Bigger Burden In The Long Run

Deferred Maintenance refers to the practice of postponing necessary maintenance, repairs, upgrades & replacements until some future date. Maintenance and repairs can be deferred for any number of reasons, but the most common causes are the lack of budgeted funds or manpower to cover the project. The brutal irony of deferred maintenance is that while […]

The Lesser Known Benefits Of Roadway Sweeping

Most people believe that the only purpose of road sweeping is to remove dirt, debris and leaves from a street or other paved surface. While litter and debris removal is very important, the purpose and benefits of street sweeping go well beyond simple cleanliness. The Benefits of Road Sweeping The overall benefits of road sweeping […]

All Care Sweeping Featured In North American Sweeper Magazine!

One of the highest honors as a sweeping company is to be lauded by your peers for your accomplishments in a very competitive industry environment. At All Care Sweeping, we are humbly honored to have been profiled in a detailed article in the April edition of North American Sweeper magazine. You can read the article […]

Every Day Is Earth Day In The Sweeping Industry

We all welcome the month of April. Warmer weather and blooming plants are a pleasant change from the drab and cold of winter. April is a month of a few important observances as well. Earth Day is April 22nd. Earth Day has special resonance in the power sweeping industry. Our regular sweeping activities have a […]

Well Trained Operators & Specialized Equipment Equals Better Sweeping

Street sweepers and their operators have reached a new level of sophistication and efficiency. This is primarily due to more advanced technologies and a focus on training. At All Care Sweeping, we have been hard at work continually updating our trucks, and ensuring our drivers are well trained. It is our goal to have up […]

Sweeping Winter Away

It is a cold hard fact that winter can be much less than ideal. The bitter cold, sleet, snow and ice can provide a multitude of potential hazards for drivers. Plowing snow, and the application of rock salt, brine and other pre-treatment options for ice are crucial in creating safer road conditions for drivers. Unfortunately, […]

Seven Benefits Of Using A Professional Property Maintenance Service

Why is it beneficial to hire a professional property maintenance service? In your role as a property owner or manager, it is extremely likely that you are constantly bombarded with tasks every single day that require your undivided attention to address. The effort required to tend to the needs of your tenants as well as overseeing facility […]

Loose Aggregates: What Are They? Why Do I Need Sweeping Services To Remove Them?

As a commercial property owner or manager, you have many responsibilities. One critical aspect of the position is ensuring that your parking lots and driveways have the longest possible serviceable life. One often overlooked aspect of long term pavement care is the removal of loose aggregates. Loose Aggregates Defined An aggregate is loosely defined as […]